I offer a variety of editing services for writers and businesses. Depending on the type and length of your document, I can offer copyediting, proofreading, or line editing. For more details, please see Services.
I do offer free sample edits for projects of 1,500 words or more. If you would like a sample edit, please send me an excerpt of up to 100 words of your project and I will return it to you as soon as possible.
My rates depend on the type and length of the project. For manuscripts 1,700 words or longer, I typically charge $.012 per word. For shorter manuscripts or business documents, I charge per hour and the rate depends on the type of content. Please contact me and tell me about your project so we can determine a fair rate.
I have experience proofreading academic essays and would be happy to proofread your paper. I ask that you please check your college or university’s guidelines regarding hiring outside proofreaders before contacting me.
If your project is very technical, I may offer only proofreading services. Please send me a sample of your project so I can gauge whether I would be an appropriate editor for you.
I do not edit content that glorifies or advocates for racism, homophobia, xenophobia, or any other type of hate or intolerance. I also do not accept projects that include incest or sexual violence.