Now unfortunately my computer, with the orgional instrumentals of The One, broke and the files got currupted. Imagine Michael Jackson producing Thriller and at the end decides he wants to re-record it but the whole thing is busted.
There are a number of websites that have machine learning algorithms that can extract the beats from a song. So I tried that!
It takes only a few minutes and the results aren't that bad!
Web Beat
Web Beat
Web Beat
But then I stumbled across an open source free program that many people in forums said was the most incredible vocal removing tool in existance.
It takes about four or five hours to run and extract a single beat from a song. There are different A.I.s that have been developed to track the difference between vocal parts and the instrumental parts.
You select a number of algrithms and then in the end it compiles it into a perfected version.
The product of UVR5 is totally astounding but when it is very quiet it does make a bit of noise. So for recording purposes, I faded the start and end of the song, combining both the web beats and the UVR5 instrumentals.