The Finished Product!

And the winner! What you've all been waiting for is the!!!! (Drum Roll Please!) The Warm Audio 47jr!

DJ Enno

Below is the finished product for the songs we selected to re-record, recorded on our winner the Warm Audio 47jr. It's paried with an SSL 2 audio interface, that emulates the sounds of the classic SSL Consoles. And I also have a protable vocal booth, that I purchased because of room noise!

In conclusion, even with the most powerful vocal remover technology the results still aren't perfect. But it's pretty good! I haven't practiced singing in a long time, but my voice sounds okay. I hope you enjoy!

first kiss

First Kiss

New And Improved

the danger zone

The Danger Zone

New And Improved

dark machina

Dark Machina

New And Improved

Take Me Home!