

All employees of the TVA were created by the Time-Keepers to protect the Sacred Timeline, in order to play their important role.


Ms Minutes

TVA Guide and Mascot

I assist the TVA for their daily tasks and guides variants as they wait for their trials. I am sort of both an alive and a recording made by the Time-Keepers.

Hunter B-15

Hunter B-15

Minutemen Hunter

The Minutemen Hunter who had arrested Loki. Their role is to arrest variants for crimes against the Sacred Timeline and resets the timeline that were caused by variants by using reset charges. Reset charges prunes, aka removes, the affected radius of a branched timeline, allowing time to heal all its wounds. They also carry a TVA Baton that prunes an entity right away by striking it.

Currently imprisoned for siding with the Lokis in believing that she is a Variant, due to the enchantment that Sylvie has done to her mind, which shows the memories of her back on Earth in the Sacred Timeline before the TVA had existed.



Front Desk Associate

Logs in people that enters the TVA and collects evidence from variants.


Agent Mobius


Analyzes crimes done by variants and traces them. Specializes in the pursuit of dangerous variants. He believes that by sticking with Loki Variant L1130, the TVA could catch the dangerous Loki Variant that has been running away from the organization.

Mobius also loves jet skis! He has not been on one but sees that it is what he is fighting for in the end. He would love to ride one but it may lead to a branch from the Sacred Timeline. Sees that existence is chaos.

Mobius believes that nothing makes any sense, so people try to make some sense of it. He finds himself lucky that the chaos emerged and gave him life into the TVA.

Mobius realizes that the nexus event caused by the two Lokis was because both of them were in love with each other, which is an odd way of causing a nexus event by two variants of the same person

After being told by Loki that he is a Variant, Mobius switched TemPads with Renslayer without her knowledge to search for clues on what things are possibly happening. From Renslayer's TemPad, Mobius found a recording of Renslayer debriefing C-20, the Minutemen that Sylvie kidnapped. C-20 says that Sylvie's enchantment showed C-20 that she is also a Variant who used to be from the Sacred Timeline. Renslayer ended the video and Mobius realizes that Loki has been telling the truth to him.

Renslayer had caught him eventually and pruned him for trying to side with the two Lokis, as his final words were wishing that he can go back to his life of where he was before the TVA and possibly with a jet ski.


Ravonna Renslayer


The highest judge in the TVA, judges variants on trials, and dictates the proper flow of time according to the dictations of the Time-Keepers. She approves missions that Analysts and the Minutemen would go to at a certain timeline for investigation of variance energy.

She believes that Loki Variants are, “insubordinate, stubborn, unpredictable.” She is skeptical that Agent Mobius trusting Loki is not a good idea, since it is known that all Lokis will backstab an individual over and over again overtime. She makes sure that no Loki Variant gets near towards the Time-Keepers. She does not want Mobius to interact with Sylvie for how dangerous she could possibly do to him.

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