

loki in court

Variant Name: Loki Laufeyson.

Variant L1130.

Charged with sequence violation 7-20-89

ALIAS: Loki Odinson, God of Mischief

Sector: 1900-2099


After a time travel heist that was made by the Avengers from the future of 2024, a mishap occurs and leads to this specific Loki Variant of the 2012 timeline to escape his reality with a powerful Infinity Stone called, the Tesseract, which can grant extreme powers. Luckily, hunters of the organization had captured Loki in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia with the Time Twister, a restraint placed on a Variant’s neck to control their movements if they ever plan to get away.

As he stands trial, Loki tells Judge Renslayer that it is the Avengers that should be caught for their crime in time traveling. However, what the Avengers did was supposed to happen, according to the Time-Keepers, Loki escaping was not. Loki had attempted to escape by harnessing his powers, but the TVA does not permit magic which leads to variants harnessing their powers to be weak to wreak such havoc at the organization. The court finds Loki to be guilty and sentenced to be reset from the timeline. Luckily, Agent Mobius stepped into the scene to interfere and prove to Judge Renslayer that Loki may be useful.

Agent Mobius has taken Loki to be debriefed with serious questions like, what would Loki do if he was to return. Loki reveals that he wants to be King of the Earth and eventually space. Loki reveals that he wants to rule to make it easier for people everywhere, “The first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom…For nearly every living thing, choice breeds shame and uncertainty and regret. There’s a fork in every road, yet the wrong oath always taken.” Mobius shows Loki the events that will happen to Loki if he stayed on his path by using a projector that depicts the real Loki from the Sacred Timeline. Mobius remarks that Loki sure does lose a lot for being someone born to rule, as it is Loki’s nature. Mobius proceeds to ask if Loki likes and enjoys hurting people and Loki confirms that’s why he is the “God of Mischief.”

DB Cooper is Loki
D.B. Cooper was Loki

Mobius shows Loki his favorite mischievous moment, which was Loki posing as D.B. Cooper. Loki asks why the TVA had caught him at that moment and Mobius says that they were right with him and were just surfing the Sacred Timeline. Loki starts to become upset at what the point of the debrief is about and Mobius says that all he seeks is a deeper understanding of the “fearsome God of Mischief” or what makes Loki tick.

Loki has a realization that the TVA is an illusion, “Its a cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear. A desperate attempt at control. Now, you all parade about it as if you’re the divine arbiters of power in the universe.” Loki believes that his choices are his own. After Loki says that, Mobius resumes on showing what would have happened if Loki stayed on his path, as that is the TVA’s specialty in seeing how one individual’s life is meant to be. The projector shows that Loki’s action would have lead to his mother’s death, who was the one that taught Loki magic. Loki's mother had told him that he can do anything, because he is able to. Loki refuses to believe the truth of the proper flow of time. Now, Mobius asks again why Loki enjoys hurting people and if he enjoys killing. Mobius tells Loki that he is not born to be a king but was born to cause pain and suffering and death. Since that’s how it is, was, and will be, “All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves,” as Mobius shows the first time that the Avengers have formed.

Mobius was then interrupted by Hunter B-15 to take a look at a current situation and Mobius asked Loki to stay put. Mobius comes back into the room and finds out that Loki has left the room, who happens to have gotten the remote of the Time Twister on his neck from Mobius’ pocket at some point during their debriefing. As Loki, roams around the TVA, he finds Casey (the TVA Agent that collects evidence from variants for their trials) and asks where the Tesseract is. Casey shows Loki the Tesseract but also finds the all powerful Infinity Stones from across the universe to be laying on his drawer, as if they have no meaning. Casey reveals that they have a lot of Infinity Stones but only use them as paperweights, this shocks Loki as he knows that Infinity Stones are the key to harnessing power that could make him be the King that he wants to be, but there is no use for them anymore for being powerless. Loki then wonders if the TVA is the greatest power in the universe.

Loki Realization
Loki realizing that the Infinity Stones are meaningless to assert power, by seeing them in Casey's drawer

Loki gets back to his debriefing room and views more of the events that would have happened if he had stayed in his path. He sees that his father has died, only to reveal that he loves Loki, even if he was adopted. It also shows his brother Thor fighting alongside Loki, which made Loki happy to see as how it had turned out. Eventually, Loki sees how he would have died, at the hand of Thanos the Titan who chokes Loki, as Loki tries to save his brother Thor and the people of his homeworld, Asgard. Loki gasps as he finds that it was the end of the projection of his life being shown and laughs in disbelief.

Sad Loki
Loki seeing his father's death and eventually his

Mobius goes back to the debriefing room to see Loki sitting in the corner. Loki asks for confirmation that there is no way for him to go back, since he now knows that his existence has messed up the proper flow of time and that those events can’t happen if he goes back or else a different timeline would occur and the timeline was already pruned by the TVA. Loki then reveals his answer to Mobius, “I don’t enjoy hurting people. I…I don’t enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I’ve had to…Because it’s part of the illusion. It’s the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear.” Loki reveals to Mobius that he tries to use the Tesseract but it doesn’t work and how Infinity Stones are useless and Loki now believes that the TVA is formidable. Mobius says that he can’t offer Loki salvation but he can offer him something better, hunt for the fugitive variant that has been killing the TVA’s Minutemen and the variant that they are in pursuit of is…another Loki.

Currently, Loki is now under training as an analyst for the TVA with Agent Mobius as his supervisor, in order to look for the dangerous Loki Variant that is on the run. Loki has also cracked the case that the dangerous variant is hiding in times where there is an apocalypse, since it would not cause a nexus event due to the apocalypse destroying the tracks of the variant’s deeds. His theory had been tested and found that there is no variance energy and no branching timeline if someone went back and time to cause random events at a time where an apocalypse will occur.

Loki and Mobius testing Loki's theory

After being with the dangerous variant of himself, Sylvie, he has told Mobius that the TVA is lying to him. As a punishment for running away with Sylvie, Loki has been imprisoned in a time loop where he experiences a bad event from his past, where he is being hit over and over again by also being told that he deserves to be alone for being pathetic and always will be. After being tired of the time loop punishemnt, he begs for no more and admits that he is a horrible person. He admits that he craves attention and he's a narcissist, since he is scared of being alone. Mobius ended the punishment and starts to debrief him. Mobius asks if Sylvie and Loki has become partners and Loki tries to lie, which cause Mobius to start the punishment again. Loki now promises to tell the truth but still lies, saying that he does not care about Sylvie and she was just a districation to his great plan in taking over. Mobius then says that there is no need to worry about Sylvie, since they have already pruned her. Loki shows a subtle hint of emotion and Mobius realizes that Loki likes Sylvie. Mobius sees such a thing to be absolutely narcissistic. Loki asks if Sylvie is still alive and Mobius says yes. Loki proceeds to tell that the TVA is hiding something and he is not lying anymore, but Mobius refuses and teases Loki about Sylvie. Loki then bursts that the whole TVA are Variants as well and how the Time-Keepers kidnapped everyone and did not create them, the Time-Keepers just erased everyone's memories. Mobius denies the truth and goes to Renslayer to close the case of the Lokis.

Mobius goes back to Loki and asks if it is true that they are variants and Loki agrees, since Sylvie revealed that when she does enchantment, she searches for memories in order to take over someone's mind. Mobius now believes Loki, but was then caught by Renslayer and was then pruned shortly after. While Loki was shook for having a friend that he has been with for awhile, he was being sent to be pruned along with Sylvie, as they are being transported to be witnessed by the Time-Keepers.

Mobius pruned
Loki witnessing Mobius that he has been pruned

Loki boasts to the Time-Keepers that he does not know how many times he has been killed, so it's fine if they try to prune him. After finding out that the Time-Keepers are fake, Loki tries to tell Sylvie that they will figure out who is behind all of this and that back on Lamentis he had felt something. Loki tries to tell Sylvie about his feelings for her but he was then pruned by Renslayer before revealing his emotions.

Loki Pruned
Loki being pruned in front of Sylvie

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