Our Testimonials

Read about the experiences of our partners

Road Trip

"Our first road trip was so much fun! None of us owned a car, so Play Now helped us get a good deal on a rental. We splurged on a convertible and drove down the coast from Bellingham, WA to San Diego. We had such a great time that we have planned an adventure this summer -- cross-country from Seattle, WA to New York! Thanks Play Now!"

-- Abigail, Nathalie, Ruth and Carol

Leavenworth, WA

Icicle Creek

"What an amazing hike. It was chilly when we started, but our guide Dan assured us that the sun would come out, and boy did it! We hiked along the water and then above it -- beautiful views and a chance to make new friends." Read More

Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, CA

Hiking in Joshua Tree

"I thought hiking with goats was a crazy idea and I would never have done it if Play Now hadn't offered it. The goats took us all over Joshua Tree, stopping for snacks and rest along the way. No one got pooped on and the goats set a leisurely pace over the 6 mile hike. I'd do it again." Read More


Exploring the Slough

"Turtles, herons, geese, songbirds and the slapping of the water against the kayak. What fortune. Our guides prepared the kayaks, gave us a quick lesson, provided the life jackets, sunscreen and bottles of water. We were off! Thanks for helping us get in and out of the boats! I'm signing up for the Lake Washington tour." Read More

Buchart Gardens

Buchart Gardens

"The hardest part of getting to the Buchart Gardens is getting there! Play Now arranged our transportation from Seattle to the harbor; then, they shuttled us to Buchart. How lovely! We had a private tour, followed by a delicious lunch and extra time to stroll on our own. I want to do this every season to see the changes!" Read More


Washington Coast

"I love the Washington coast, so I signed up for a quick trip to LaConner -- not to see the tulips, but to see the birds. I was not disappointed. After following the snow geese, we ended up on a small island tip -- it's a little bit of a secret! We had the entire spit to ourselves. Thanks to Play Now for finding it!" Read More

Palm Springs

Tennis in the Desert

"During the snowy and rainy winter, we needed a getaway to some place with sun. We booked a Palm Springs trip and spent a week hiking in nearby Joshua Tree, golfing and playing tennis. After that trip, we were able to face the remainder of winter in the Pacific Northwest; but we've already booked for next year!" Read More

Contact Play Now, Retire Later for more information!

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